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Caps, Gowns, Accessories Class Rings Diplomas, Certificates, Diplma Covers Graduation Products Medallions, Pins

           Quality and Pricing

Excellent Quality. Affordable Pricing.

At Achievers, Inc. we understand the importance of high-quality products especially when purchasing a keepsake piece of jewelry such as a class ring. We partner with the best manufacturers in the industry to bring you the highest-quality products at the lowest possible price.
  • When possible, Achievers works with high-quality, California-based vendors. This approach allows for onsite inspections and meetings to ensure on-time delivery, faster response time and increased control of quality and workmanship.
  • Working closely with our partners, we utilize increased economies of scale to negotiate maximum discounts and minimize graduation ceremony costs, as well as students’ senior-year costs.
  • We collaborate with administrators to maximize early-ordering discounts and work with students to take advantage of those discounts.
Achievers offers added incentives to school districts for utilizing our products and services under a multi-year contract.
Eloy Garcia